January 2026
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Programme 2016

Download our programme with all guided city tours and sightseeing tours for individuals and groups.

Programme on Thursday, 01.01.2026

Wählen Sie einfach Ihre Stadtführung in München

Mit dem Nachtwächter unterwegs

Stadtführung mit dem Nacht­wächter durch die Münch­ner Alt­stadt. Mit Hel­le­barde, Laterne und wehen­dem Mantel weist er den rechten Weg im Dunkel der Nacht. 

Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour

Viktu­ali­en­markt Food Tasting Tour   The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Dis­cov­er­ing Munich´s...

S. 18 Walk Dinner – © Ulrike Romeis - Tourismusamt München

First we tune into the tour with an aper­itif. Our com­pet­ent and charm­ing tour guide tells us facts, stories and anec­dotes of Munich on our stroll...

Hangmen, Whores and Witches

Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in his­toric gar­ments show us dif­fer­ent...

Bavarian Delicacies Tour

Bav­arian Del­ic­acies Tour ("Sch­manker­l­tour") During this tour we will try dif­fer­ent Bav­arian and Munich food del­ic­acies and...

Crime Quest

Solve a murder case! Munich as a crime scene. Dubious wit­nesses, despic­able sus­pects, alibis, evid­ence and sur­prises will await you and your...

Culinary Nightwatch Tour

Culin­ary Night­watch Tour After a warm welcome we will enjoy a hearty meal in a tra­di­tional quaint res­taur­ant. Well invig­or­ated by the meal we...

Food Tasting Tour Haidhausen

Food Tasting Tour Haid­hausen On this culin­ary tour through the former hostel quarter Haid­hausen, we dis­cover not only the beau­ti­ful foun­tain at...

Chambermaid - Castle Nymphenburg

Tales of the Cham­ber­maid - Castle Nymphen­burg First-hand inform­a­tion: cham­ber­maid Marie Louise or valet Franzl take advant­age of the absence...

Crime Scene Munich

Guided tour with actors: Crime Scene Munich Be a witness to the most spec­tac­u­lar crim­inal cases in Munich´s history: don´t trust Adele Spitzeder...

Ghost Tour

Guided tour with actors: Ghost Tour  Gravedig­ger Josef Grundlgruber will guide you to the doomed Radish Woman who becomes a victim of a ter­rible...

Chambermaid - Residence

Tales of the Cham­ber­maid- Res­id­ence Tales of the Cham­ber­maid - Castle Nymphen­burg First-hand inform­a­tion: cham­ber­maid Marie Louise or valet...

Tram Tour

Tram Tour Taking the tram is part of being in Munich and having a certain aware­ness towards this city. We take the public tram and get off at...

Kulinarische Tramtour

Kulin­ar­ische Tram­tourMit der öffent­lichen Tram fahren wir zu den schön­sten Sehenswür­digkeiten und steigen an ver­schiedenen Hal­testel­len aus,...

The Black Death, Cholera and Syphilis

Them­atic Tour: The Black Death, Cholera and Syph­ilis For a long time Munich was famous in Europe for its prob­lems with the black death and the many...

Pralinees  c  Max Wo - Fotolia – © Wo - Fotolia.com

Whether you have 5 or 500 guests, we will make you a perfect, indi­vidual offer for your event. Our VIP pro­grammes serve numer­ous busi­ness...

Saefte Vikt

With dif­fer­ent tasks to be achieved in this tour, we will also make culin­ary stops are the focus of this quest. Expect a yummy stop at the food...

Rallye Schauspiel

Pro­fes­sional actors in his­toric cloth­ing sur­prise the teams at dif­fer­ent places.

Green Munich

The most beau­ti­ful sights of Munich´s his­toric town com­bined with nature: Hofgarten, the English Garden oder Isa­rauen. Beer garden music, naked...

Iconic Munich

Hof­bräuhaus - Opera - Hofgarten - Haus der Kunst (House of Art) - Chinese Tower in the English Garden - University - Odeonsplatz - Cathed­ral -...

Olympia Tour

After the cul­tural high­lights of the his­toric centre we will drive through the English Garden to Olympiapark and to castle Nymphen­burg.

Bavaria vor der Ruhmeshalle – © C. L. Schmitt - Tourismusamt München

We will come to pick you up with a com­fort­able coach and an enter­tain­ing tour guide for your reques­ted city tour - also in the coun­tryside.

Classic Bus Tour 2 h

Munich´s most beau­ti­ful sights at a glance: the his­toric city centre, castle Nymphen­burg and Olympiapark. Our intens­ively trained tour guides...

Castle Nymphenburg 4 h

During an extens­ive sight­see­ing tour we will visit castle Nymphen­burg, the former summer res­id­ence of the Bav­arian elect­ors and kings. A...

Junggesellinen – © Klaus-Peter Adler - Fotolia.com

With wit and charm we will cel­eb­rate with your friends. Don´t worry, we will not make a fool of you! However, we have pre­pared some small...

Tours for Children

We inspire the ima­gin­a­tion of chil­dren and enthuse them for culture and history. We love to enchant our small guests.

City Quest for School Classes

We prepare this tour accord­ing to age of the pupils and the type of school. After an intro­duc­tion by our quest guide each team will receive a...

Schön gestaltete und hochwertig gedruckte Gutscheine für alle unsere Stadtführungen und Veranstaltungen in München. Versand innerhalb von 24 Stunden. Die Gutscheine sind 3 Jahre gültig.   

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