every Friday at 20:00 h
Karlsplatz (Stachus) / under the archway
Cash on site or online ticket
1.5 – 2 hours
Adults | 29,- € |
Seniors/Students | 28,- € |
Children (6 - 14 y.) | 14,- € |
Prices include VAT
Bei dieser Stadtführung zu abendlicher Stunde kommen sie aus dem Dunkel der Vergangenheit: Schauspieler in historischen Kostümen holen Münchner Stadtgeschichte in unsere Gegenwart. Aufwändig recherchierte Fakten und unterhaltsame Geschichten werden von professionellen Schauspielern in Szene gesetzt. Sie entführen den Besucher in eine längst vergessene Welt voller Leben und Schicksale. Stadtgeschichte wird so hautnah erlebbar und fühlbar.
Henker, Huren, Hexen, was hatten diese drei „Berufsgruppen“ in München miteinander gemein? Nun, Henker hatten in der frühen Münchner Stadtgeschichte nicht nur in der Fragstatt und auf dem Galgenbergl ihr Betätigungsfeld, sie waren auch die Zuhälter! Um Hexenverfolgung, Prostitution, Folter und Hinrichtungen dreht sich dieser beliebte Stadtrundgang. Warum beispielsweise fliegen Hexen auf einem Besen? Und warum befand sich die Hauptstatt außerhalb der Stadt?
Unsere Stadtführung beginnt am Neuhauser Tor, wo die Delinquenten zur Hinrichtung aus der Stadt geführt wurden. Über die historische Salzstraße gelangen wir zum ehemaligen Jesuitenkolleg, direkt in die Zeit der Hexenverfolgungen. Ein Streitgespräch zwischen der Herzogin Renata und dem Jesuitenpater Ignatius versetzt uns ins finstere 16. Jahrhundert: als beim Bau der Michaelskirche der Turm einstürzte, war klar „dass solch ungewöhnliche Gewitter von den vermaledeiten bösen Weibern gemacht werden“.
Doch nicht nur Hexen wurden hingerichtet, am Schönen Turm hören wir die traurige Geschichte des unglücklichen Goldschmieds.
Ein kräftiger Windstoß führt uns im Rahmen der Stadtführung zum Wahrzeichen Münchens, der Frauenkirche, wo wir auf den Leibhaftigen selbst treffen: Warum der Teufel dem Baumeister half diese Kirche zu bauen und warum es hier so windig ist, erfahren wir ebenso wie die Antwort auf die weltumfassende Frage, welche Schuhgröße der Teufel hat.
Von Hexensalben, Besenritten, Krötenzunge und Kinderhänden handeln die Hexengeschichten, die uns zum prächtigen Rathaushof bringen, wo der Alchimist Marco Bragadino auf uns wartet. Der angebliche Goldmacher versucht uns seine Künste schmackhaft zu machen. 1591 wurde er auf dem Münchner Marktplatz hingerichtet, der Henker musste fünfmal zuschlagen bis er den Kopf vom Rumpf getrennt hatte! Zur selben Zeit wurde übrigens in München das renommierte Frauenhaus geschlossen, Prostitution hatte im Zeitalter der Gegenreformation einen schweren Stand.
Am Alten Rathaus durchqueren wir bei unserer Stadtführung unter schauerlichen Geschichten die ehemalige Folterkammer und erreichen den Alten Hof, wo uns der Wittelsbacher Prinz Albrecht seine Braut Agnes Bernauer vorstellt.
Der Justizmord der Bernauerin führt uns schließlich aus dem düsteren Mittelalter in die jüngste Vergangenheit, die 70er Jahre. Am Platzl befand sich bis zur Olympiade 1972 der Münchner Rotlichtbezirk, was die Spider Murphy Gang im „Skandal im Sperrbezirk“ besang ist Münchner Stadtgeschichte: in der sauberen und anständigen „Weltstadt mit Herz“ war kein Platz mehr für Rosi und ihre Kolleginnen.
every Friday at 20:00 h
Karlsplatz (Stachus) / under the archway
Cash on site or online ticket
1.5 – 2 hours
Adults | 29,- € |
Seniors/Students | 28,- € |
Children (6 - 14 y.) | 14,- € |
Prices include VAT
Storno kostenlos 24h vor Beginn
Sie stornieren einfach und kostenlos bis zu 24 Stunden vor Beginn der Veranstaltung über:
Einen Storno Link in Ihrer Anmeldebestätigung
per Telefon 089 20 32 453 60
Daraufhin erhalten Sie per Mail eine Bestätigung Ihrer Stornierung.
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
Guided tour with actors: Hangmen, Whores and Witches In the evening they come out of the dark past: actors in historic garments show us different fates, demonstrate the pact with the devil and introduce us to long-forgotten beliefs and conceptions... Just before the consecration of St. Michael´s Church the church tower suddenly collapsed. It was widely believed that it was witches who were responsible for the destruction. This tour unfolds the dreadful methods of torture and terrible executions to the bizarre handling of prostitution, witchcraft and sorcery. Let us enter a world of beliefs and perceptions long gone...
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Number of available places left
Storno kostenlos 24h vor Beginn
Sie stornieren einfach und kostenlos bis zu 24 Stunden vor Beginn der Veranstaltung über:
Einen Storno Link in Ihrer Anmeldebestätigung
per Telefon 089 20 32 453 60
Daraufhin erhalten Sie per Mail eine Bestätigung Ihrer Stornierung.
Sun, 08.12.2024 |
Sat, 07.12.2024 |
Guide sehr engagiert und kompetent die Zusammenhänge dargstellt |
Spectacle große Präsenz der Schauspieler, super Improvisation des Teufels vor der Frauenkirche, spannend |
Sat, 30.11.2024 |
Summary Wirklich tolle Stadtführerin, alles wunderbar erzählt und wirklich wunderbare Schauspieler. Werde ich auf jeden Fall weiter empfehlen. |
See more reviews |
in der letzten Woche |
Sehr kompetente Stadtführung. Wir als Münchner haben noch sehr viel über „unsere“ Stadt erfahren. Hat viel Spaß gemacht. |
in der letzten Woche |
Wir hatten die Altstadtführung im Rahmen eines Besuchs in München gebucht. Sehr informativ und interessant. Uns hat es gefallen, und wir können die Führung sehr empfehlen. |
in der letzten Woche | |
in der letzten Woche |
Die Weihnachtsbräuche-Tour ist absolut empfehlenswert. Qualitativ und geschmacklich hochwertige Köstlichkeiten mit interessanten Informationen haben die 1:45h so schnell vergehen lassen! |
in der letzten Woche |
Anlässlich unserer Familienweihnachtsfeier haben wir eine private Tour durchs Glockenbachviertel gebucht. Die Stadtführung war super authentisch, humorvoll und abwechslungsreich. Wir würden sofort wieder eine Stadtführung buchen. |