daily at 11:00 h + 13:00 h
Isartor - in the middle
Cash on site or online ticket
2 hours
Since the portions are big you will not need a lunch!
Adults | 44,- € |
Seniors/Students | 43,- € |
Children (6 - 14 y.) | 22,- € |
Prices include VAT
Probieren geht über Studieren – bei unserer Viktualienmarkt Probiertour lassen wir uns neben historischen und aktuellen Hintergrundinformationen an verschiedenen Marktständen köstliche Schmankerl schmecken. Eine Vielzahl kulinarischer Entdeckungen und Genüsse macht diesen Spaziergang über den berühmtesten Markt Deutschlands zum Erlebnis für alle Sinne.
Viktualienmarkt, wem läuft bei diesem Wort nicht das Wasser im Mund zusammen? Auf 22.000 qm entfaltet sich hier ein unvergleichliches Aroma: Feinkost und Gemüse, Fisch und Fleisch, Brot und Käse, Blumen und Säfte, Obst und Antipasti, Eier und Kartoffeln. Vielfalt und höchste Qualität machen den Reiz des Marktes aus.
Wir probieren Schmankerl von 6 Ständen und haben zum Beispiel diese Köstlichkeiten für Sie vorbereitet:
Wir beginnen unsere Tour am Isartor, wo uns ein biokosmodynamischer Willkommtrunk vom demeter-zertifizierten St. Michaelshof gereicht wird. Wir spazieren an der alten Stadtmauer entlang, bis wir zum Viktualienmarkt gelangen. Beim Räucherkistl erwartet uns eine Platte mit geräucherten Wurstspezialitäten. Dazu reichen wir das berühmte und mehrfach ausgezeichnete doppelt gebackene Bauernkrustenbrot der Bäckerliesl.
Unzählige Geschichten während der Tour führen uns durch die Historie des Marktes bis zur Gegenwart: Wie ist der Viktualienmarkt überhaupt entstanden? Seit wann gibt es den Tanz der Marktweiber? Wo bringen die Marktleute abends ihre Ware hin? Wie kommt man zu einem Stand und wieviel müssen die Standlbesitzer an die Stadt bezahlen?
Am Sauren Eck verkosten wir frische Antipasti mit Oliven, eingelegtem Gemüse und verschiedenen saisonalen Spezialitäten. Lassen Sie sich überraschen! Dazu gibt es resche Brezn – von vielen Münchnern als die Besten der Stadt gelobt - von Karnolls Back- und Kaffeestandl. Abschließend haben wir noch eine Platte mit delikaten Käsespezialitäten vorbereitet, denn bekanntlich schließt dieser ja den Magen. Probieren Sie Münchens besten Obazdn und ausgefallene Käsesorten.
Neben dem Probieren beantworten wir Ihre Fragen, stellen die Stände und die Standlbesitzer vor und zeigen Ihnen so manche unbekannte Ecke des Marktes.
daily at 11:00 h + 13:00 h
Isartor - in the middle
Cash on site or online ticket
2 hours
Since the portions are big you will not need a lunch!
Adults | 44,- € |
Seniors/Students | 43,- € |
Children (6 - 14 y.) | 22,- € |
Prices include VAT
Storno kostenlos 24h vor Beginn
Sie stornieren einfach und kostenlos bis zu 24 Stunden vor Beginn der Veranstaltung über:
Einen Storno Link in Ihrer Anmeldebestätigung
per Telefon 089 20 32 453 60
Daraufhin erhalten Sie per Mail eine Bestätigung Ihrer Stornierung.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
Viktualienmarkt Food Tasting Tour The proof of the pudding is in the eating - after this tour no-one will go home hungry! Discovering Munich´s traditional food market Viktualienmarkt we will learn a lot of the history and recent events of this place as well as background information whilst enjoying various typical specialities at different market stalls. A wide range of culinary delicacies awaits you.
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Number of available places left
Storno kostenlos 24h vor Beginn
Sie stornieren einfach und kostenlos bis zu 24 Stunden vor Beginn der Veranstaltung über:
Einen Storno Link in Ihrer Anmeldebestätigung
per Telefon 089 20 32 453 60
Daraufhin erhalten Sie per Mail eine Bestätigung Ihrer Stornierung.
Culinary Art
Sun, 09.02.2025 |
Summary Es war alles bestens geplant und organisiert. |
Guide Eva hat mit unglaublich viel Spaß, Humor und Leichtigkeit die Geschichte rund um den Viktualienmarkt vermittelt. Sehr sympathisch, sehr engagiert! |
Culinary Art Die kulinarischen Köstlichkeiten ließen keine Wünsche offen - einfach RICHTIG gut! |
Sun, 09.02.2025 |
Summary Sehr kurzweilig. |
Guide Sympathisch und sehr bemüht . |
Culinary Art Sehr vielfältig und reichlich |
Sun, 09.02.2025 |
Culinary Art
See more reviews |
in der letzten Woche |
Gerhard hat eine super Nachtwächter-Tour durch München angeboten. Er konnte viele schaurige Geschichten erzählen. |
vor einer Woche |
Wir haben am 02.02.2025 um 14 Uhr die Führung "zu Hofe mit der Zofe" in der Residenz mitgemacht. Die Dame, die die Führung gemacht hat, war sehr kompetent, trug die Geschichten unterhaltsam vor. Rundum ein gelungener Nachmittag. |
vor 2 Wochen |
Sehr authentische Führung der Hofdame in der Residenz! Unterhaltsam, spannend und kurzweilig :) Absolute Empfehlung |
vor 2 Wochen |
Stadtführung Schlemmertour Haidhausen an sich in Ordnung. Jedoch war der kulinarische Teil extrem enttäuschend. Mehrere angekündigte Stationen haben gar nicht stattgefunden. Der Rest war sehr stark auf Süßes fokussiert. Von reichhaltig konnte keine Rede sein. War ich bei anderen Touren anders gewohnt. Nachdem die Stadtführerin bei jeder Station sofort bezahlt hat, konnte ich mich dem Eindruck nicht erwehren, dass die kleinen Portionen zur Gewinnmaxierung gedient haben. |
vor 2 Wochen |
Sehr unterhaltsam und kurzweilig |